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How can I get help with questions on the Usercentrics CMP?
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Setting up your Usercentrics CMP
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TCF 2.0/2.2
What is the TCF?
What is the IAB?
TCF 2.2
For whom is TCF 2.2 intended?
Why do I need the TCF 2.0?
What are the differences between TCF 1.0 / TCF 2.0 / TCF 2.2?
When should I start the transition?
What will happen if I don’t transition in time?
How must I implement the Usercentrics CMP so that I can use TCF 2.0?
What creative possibilities do I have with the individual CMP elements under TCF 2.2 framework?
Can I display a Privacy Wall instead of the banner?
Which vendors use TCF 2.2?
Will Google require TCF 2.0 as a standard?
Can I continue to work with non-IAB vendors?
Can I incorporate non-IAB vendors into the CMP?
Can I simply incorporate the entire Global Vendor List for TCF 2.2?
Does the TCF demand that user consent be obtained every time the Global Vendor List is changed?
Can I amend the text of the vendors on the Global Vendor List (GVL)?
What are so-called “Stacks” with TCF 2.2?
Does the TCF require a “Reject” button in the first layer of the banner?
Do I have to offer the user granular selection options in the first banner layer with TCF?
As a publisher, can I define the legal basis or purposes for individual vendors?
What is the difference between Global Scope and Service Specific Scope?
As a publisher can I define the legal basis for my own (data processing) purposes?
Does TCF forbid “continuing to scroll” as consent?
Where can I find further information about TCF 2.2?
Guidelines of the Transparency and Consent Framework v2.2
Usercentrics and Cookiebot
Case Studies
Guias de implementação para o Brasil
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Support Knowledge Base
TCF 2.0/2.2
Usercentrics - PUBLIC
TCF 2.0/2.2
Stefanie Winkelmann (Unlicensed)
Jenny Klöpfer (Unlicensed)
Owned by
Stefanie Winkelmann (Unlicensed)
Last updated:
Oct 18, 2023
1 min read
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