Usercentrics - PUBLIC

How do I initially open the Privacy Settings center instead of the Privacy Banner or Wall (Version 1)?

In this article we will show you how to display the Privacy Settings Center using our Window functions initially when the visitor visits your website.

In this article we will show you how to display the Privacy Settings Center using our Window functions initially when the visitor visits your website.

At first you have to hide the Privacy Banner / Privacy Wall.

  • The easiest way to do this is using Custom CSS:

/* Hide Banner */ #usercentrics-button #uc-banner-modal, #usercentrics-button #uc-central-banner-modal { display: none; }

From now on, your visitors will no longer see the Privacy Banner / Privacy Wall but the Privacy Settings Center when they first visit your website.

Please note: The legal requirements which are covered by the banner text must from now on be included in your Privacy Settings description text. Similarly, you no longer offer your visitors a "reject" button via the Privacy Settings center. Therefore, we do not recommend this implementation.

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Usercentrics - PUBLIC