Usercentrics - PUBLIC

How do I track window events with Usercentrics? (CMP Version 1)

This section contains a guide that shows how you can track window events (CMP V1).

This section contains a guide that shows how you can track window events (CMP V1).

To do this, first create an Event Storage. Weā€™ll use Window Events in this case.

You can find the corresponding documentation here.

  1. Navigate in the Usercentrics Admin Interface to the section ā€œService Settingsā€

  2. Scroll to the section ā€Advanced Data Processing Settingsā€

  3. Now click on ā€Add new data layerā€

  4. Select ā€Window Eventā€ and then assign the ā€Data Layer Nameā€. This name will be used to configure your Event Listener.

  5. From the list, select the events that you want the Event Listener to respond to, such as Ā consents_initialized and consent_changed. You can also select all events.

You can find an overview of the different events here.

This applies only for our CMP V1.

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Usercentrics - PUBLIC