Usercentrics - PUBLIC
Does the Usercentrics CMP manage cookies?
No. Usercentrics CMP has never managed cookies and will not do so in the immediate future.
There are a few Consent Management Platforms that manage cookies. The Usercentrics CMP does not do this for data protection reasons.
Here is a brief explanation of how cookies are set:
When a user visits a website with integrated third-party technologies, these technologies call up a third-party server to set cookies with user-specific data in the user's browser.
The cookies that are set, remain in the user's browser, sometimes for several years.
If the user visits the website again, the cookie data is read by the third-party technology in order to recognize the website visitor.
The problem in this case is that the server call of a third-party provider (ex: Google) is not GDPR-compliant, as personal data, such as the user's IP address, is already transferred to the third-party server when the call is made. The Usercentrics CMP therefore directly blocks the server call in order to comply with data protection regulations. If the server call is blocked, no cookie can be set. Therefore, the Usercentrics CMP does not have to manage and/or delete cookies. If a cookie is set, personal user information has already been sent to the third-party server – even if the cookie is deleted by the CMP immediately afterwards.
The only exemption to the facts mentioned above is that Usercentrics provides a user’s consent string if our CMP is using TCF.
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Usercentrics - PUBLIC