Usercentrics - PUBLIC

How do I create a Usercentrics account in PrestaShop?

The following step-by-step guide will give you an overview of the first steps to activating Usercentrics in PrestaShop.

The following step-by-step guide will give you an overview of the first steps to activating Usercentrics in PrestaShop.

In this article

Register if you are new to Usercentrics Module for PrestaShop

Sign-up via clicking on Create Account.

Start free trial

Click on Start free trial and fill in the required information, and then click on buy now. Your card will only be charged after the 15-day free trial. Cancel anytime during trial period by contacting

Create a password

Create a password using the link you received via registered email, or simply click on Forgot Password. Log in with your username and password (click Save). Username is your registered email (Corporate Email).

Account creation is now complete. Be compliant using the best-in-class CMP from Usercentrics!

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Usercentrics - PUBLIC