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How can I test if the Smart Data Protector (SDP) is blocking technologies?

In this article you will learn how to verify Smart Data Protector implementation.

In this article you will learn how to verify Smart Data Protector implementation.


Smart Data Protector

The Smart Data Protector blocks a list of supported technologies automatically.

  • If you know where the technologies are implemented on the page, the easiest way is to search for the PID (Project Initiation Document) in the “Elements” section of your browser’s developer tools.

  • If you do not know where the technologies are implemented, you need to check the “Network” tab of your browser’s developer tools manually.

How to check the Smart Data Protector implementation on the “Elements” tab

  1. Deny the consent on the page.

  2. Go to “Elements” and search for “pid”.

  3. If you see a pid="template id", it means that the Smart Data Protector is blocking this piece of code.

The template id corresponds to the template ID of the technology that is being blocked here. You can search for this ID here:

Please run the same test after you have given consent: this way it’s possible to check if you have forgotten to add some data processing services to the Services Settings as the Smart Data Protector blocks all supported technologies even if they have not been added to the Service Settings.

How to check the Smart Data Protector implementation on the “Network”

In the “Network” tag you can see everything that’s loaded on your page. Here you can check if the technologies are loaded on the page without consent.

Please note that some scripts of technologies are downloaded without consent. However, the scripts are not executed - this is a limitation of the Smart Data Protector.

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Usercentrics - PUBLIC