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How can I improve the Lighthouse results for the Max Potential First Input Delay (FID)?


This section describes the FID metrics used in the Lighthouse report and how to improve it.

This section describes the FID metrics used in the Lighthouse report and how to improve it.

What is the Max Potential First Input Delay?

The Max Potential First Input Delay (FID) is one of the factors that will be used to classify a website’s performance. Further information on FID can be found here.

FID Reference times

  • Good: Less than 100 milliseconds

  • Needs Improvement: Up to 300 milliseconds

  • Poor: Longer than 300 milliseconds

Improving the FID results

  • Each additional script on your website will affect the performance. Please check whether you can remove any unwanted scripts. This may even result in a more lightweight CMP if you remove data processing services that are no longer needed.

  • Use a browser cache. Sources will only need to be loaded from their origin on the first impression. For returning visitors, you can reduce the loading time because the information needed will be taken directly from the browser’s cache.

  • Slim down your JavaScript execution time and size. The cleaner your code when it comes to requests and sources used, the faster your page. Some great ways to adjust your code can be found here.


Make sure to check your website’s source code regarding its scripts – each of them can be the reason for poor website performance.

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