This section describes the LCP metrics used in the Lighthouse report and how to improve it.

What is the Largest Contentful Paint?

The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is one of the factors that will be used to classify a website’s performance. Further information on LCP can be found here.

LCP Reference times

  • Good: Less than 2.5 Seconds

  • Needs Improvement: between 2.5 and 4 seconds

  • Poor: Longer than 4 seconds

Improving the LCP results

You’ll want to make sure that the Usercentrics CMP isn’t the LCP for your website.

Customers using TCF within the Enterprise plan

Please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager to discuss a change of your banner message to improve your LCP results. The team will assist in breaking up your banner message into separate paragraphs, resulting in the Usercentrics CMP no longer being the LCP of the website.

Customers not using TCF

Please adjust your banner message in your Admin Interface. If you split it up into different paragraphs, this will result in the Usercentrics CMP no longer being considered the LCP of the website.

Further steps that you can take


Adjusting your banner message can improve your LCP results. If possible, check further steps to further speed up your loading time.

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