Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Google tags of relevant Google services are loaded before consent is collected.

  • They will not be adjusted like we recommend for other non-essential tags. Instead they will trigger “normally”, i.e. like so in the GTM:

    Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-15 um 11.13.20.png
  • The Google tags have built-in consent checks for one or more of the following Google Consent Mode storage types:


    Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-15 um 13.01.10.png

    The tags will adjust their behavior accordingly.

  • (warning) Important: Tags corresponding to non-essential, non-Google Data Processing Services (DPS) should continue to be adjusted as generally documented. The Advanced Google Consent Mode implementation described above is specifically for Google tags of relevant Google services.

Is Google Consent Mode v2 enabled?

We assume you've added the Consent Mode script before the Google Tag Manager script as instructed in our Adjust the existing Google Tag Manager code .

Checking the preview in Google Tag Manager

You can also inspect the preview to confirm that Consent is enabled, and if you're on version 2.

Start the preview and take the following steps:

  1. Select "Consent"

  2. Select the "Consent" tab

  3. Ensure that the "On-page Defaults" are set and that they include the two new parameters; ad_personalization and ad_user_data.

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 12.00.48.pngImage Removed

Checking the Consent Mode settings

When a page loads prior consent, the consent mode settings should be correctly registered in Google Tag Manager.

If you've implemented Usercentrics using the Usercentrics CMP template, you don’t need to add the default values for the Consent Mode as they’re present in the UC temple.


Checking the dataLayer

Checking the contents of the dataLayer can be done by simply executing the command dataLayer. After consent has been given for all types of cookies:


If you’re interested, continue with → checking your Google Consent Mode v2 implementation.